The St. Mark’s Credit Union was organized on May 17, 1943. A month later 18 persons were approved for membership. In another month membership doubled to 36. Between them, they had a share balance of $95.00 and $68.00 cash in the bank. No loans had been made, and none would be made, the board of directors said, until the fledging credit union had a balance of at least $200.00 in order to avoid bank charges.

By the end of its first year St. Mark's Credit Union boasted 84 members and accumulated a bank balance of $800.00. Currently, the credit union has nearly 200 members and assets approaching $200,000. It also has loaned more than $1.5 million to its shareholders.

Today, after many years of operating manually, the credit union has computerized basic operations. The credit union has also a well-trained core staff, all dedicated volunteers who share their time, talent and energy maintaining and developing our credit union to meet the needs of members.

The credit union's major objective now is to increase its membership; this can be done, we believe, by reaching out to other United Methodist Churches, particularly those based in and near the Harlem community.

Board of Directors:
President George M. Daniels
Vice President Linda Guy
Treasurer/Manager Audrey Small
Secretary Dorothy Robertson
Assistant Treasurer Janet Cox
Assistant Secretary Winsome E Daniels
Credit Committee Lois Kinsler
Office Hours:
Wednesdays 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Thursdays 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Saturdays By Appointment Only
Sundays Following Morning Worship

Best High Risk Credit Card Processors in 2025

St. Mark's
Federal Credit Union
49-55 Edgecombe Ave
New York, NY 10030
Tel: (212) 491-2924
Fax: 1-212-926-3339
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